RC Elections
Traditionally, at the beginning of the election process, a petition must be filed with the nearest NLRB Regional Office showing support for the petition from at least 30% of employees. NLRB agents will investigate to insure the Board has jurisdiction, the union is an appropriate representative, and that there are no existing labor contracts or other reasons that would bar an election. This type of election is referred to as an “RC” election.
RM Election
The National Labor Relations Board recently issued a decision that will categorically alter the Union election process should it withstand a challenge before a federal court of appeals (Cemex Construction Materials Pacific, LLC).
Following Cemex, when a union requests voluntary recognition supported by a majority through union authorization cards, employers must recognize and negotiate with the union or submit a Representation-Management Petition (known as an RM petition) within two weeks to commence a secret ballot election.
Regardless of the type of election, Employers must follow many rules and regulations (which seemingly change regularly on the whims of those in charge of the National Labor Relations Board), or you will risk getting a favorable election result set aside or an undesirable effect such as an order to recognize and bargain with a union even without an election taking place.
What We Do
We utilize our decades of experience and provide comprehensive employee education to ensure all eligible employees know their rights and the facts during an election to make sure their decision to vote “Yes” or “No” is genuinely informed.
Unfortunately, Union Business Agents and Organizers far too often attempt to manipulate potential voters with downright falsehoods to get a “Yes” vote. They do this by promising anything the employees may want, guaranteeing outcomes of bargaining, or creating division between voters and members of management to stoke anger.
We combat these inappropriate strategies through employee education on the realities of unionization, which cuts through the organizer’s attempt to manipulate voters.
Since 1935, Burdzinski has traveled nationwide to ensure we always have election specialists on the ground during a Union organizing campaign.
When an election specialist cannot visit a particular company, we use tried and trusted online campaign strategies.
Whatever your industry may be, we know how to win elections.