Burdzinski & Partner's size, depth, and diversity allow us to provide a broad array of labor relations services to numerous and varied clients engaged in various for-profit and not-for-profit activities.
Our clientele encompasses businesses of all kinds and sizes operating as sole proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. They include start-ups, emerging companies, and established companies.
The corporations we work with range from privately owned and closely held entrepreneurial enterprises to publicly owned organizations. Our services range from general business to highly specialized assistance and advice.
When appropriate, we communicate and educate Employees in anticipation of National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) elections so they have as much information as possible before voting for or against a union.
We negotiate labor contracts on behalf of our Unionized clients, and where required by a state, such as Ohio, we work in cooperation with counsel.
We help our clients administer collective bargaining agreements and represent them in arbitration hearings when necessary.
We also defend Employers in various forums that a Union or an employee could use to charge our clients with grievances and "unfair labor practices" arising from the Employer/Employee relationship.
We additionally help Employers with benefits administration, general communications with employees, wage and salary administration, employee counseling, employment, equal opportunity programs, associate relations, training, organizational development, executive recruitment, safety, security, workers' compensation, and unemployment compensation.